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Patient Forms & Instructions

liver transplant hospitals in california

New Patient Packet

Before your first visit, please print out the forms in the new patient packet and bring a completed copy to your first appointment. Filling out the forms ahead of time will save you valuable time at your first visit. If you choose not to fill out the forms in advance, please plan to arrive 20 minutes before your scheduled appointment time. Thank you!

Download here.

liver transplant hospitals in california

Patient Instruction Sheets

Click the links below to download your desired instruction sheets.

Colonoscopy Instructions

EGD Instructions

Fatty Liver Diet Pamphlet

Fibroscan Instructions

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*DISCLAIMER: Individual treatment results may vary. All reviews and testimonials are real people who received services with us, but they may not reflect the typical patient’s experience, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Information contained within this website may change without notice, and SCLC is not responsible for information changes.